An Iguana's Life

I am Lady Iguana. I run Iguana-Mania, a local reptile shelter for abused, unwanted reptile pets. People always ask me about iguanas, when I am in the streets, raising funds to help feed reptiles that I have rescued over the last 15 years. So I decided to take you on a tour of my two favorite iguanas lives. They are Pugsley and Zilla, and Pugsley's little son, Timias. You will come to see just how "human" iguanas can be.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Youtube Videos

If you like my iguana's photos...check out their music on the link below and enjoy!

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

R.I.P. Steve Irwin...
We here at Iguana-Mania
love you and miss you!!!
Joan and all the kids!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006


We Have a New Iguana!
How're you iguana lovers doing out there? We're doing just fine here at IguanaMania.
Pugsley is as bossy as ever, still the king of the house. He eats first when I put the food down...comes and bullys me out of my food when I try to eat a sandwich...decided he likes peanut butter. He has developed a great personality and is a glutton for stroking. He'll raise his head, close his eyes and bask in the good feelings of having attention lavished on him.
Zilla is as scared as ever. He still will not tolerate the strokes and pets and hates being picked up by a human. But he does come out and bask...and he will explore the house...just don't touch me, he says. His arm has finally healed from the dogbite and it is very weak. The hand is useless to him and he really can't climb. But he has learned to use his armpit to help him climb up a little and he has a hiding hole behind a dresser...complete with a soft sleep in safely.


Timias is growing and doing very well! He is starting to loose his baby fears and is beginning to allow the handling and the stroking I give all my iguanas. He eats well and is fine!


Fawlkes is the iguana I rescued that is paralysed from the waist down. He still can't go potty without my help...poor thing...but he is growing and he is developing a personallity. Ain't no stopping me now...seems to be his motto! He does stay in a huge snake reptile lovers know the type, gray smooth walls with glass door fronts...with a few stuffed animals for company, along with Timias and the new iguana baby. They keep each other company, eat together and it stimulates Fawlkes to act more like an iguana and he will pull himself around the cage and climb the toys to bask in their heating corner. He bobs at the others some times and seems to be the king of the cage!

You can see the crook in his back now, from MBD, the cause of all his problems. He is one lucky iguana! The crook prevents him from using his back legs, but he can feel me touching them and his tail...he just can't use them...when he gets bigger, I plan to build a cart and train him to use it so he can get around better. He has alot of spunk and will grow up to be a sweet animal I am sure!!


Speedy is our new iguana baby...only a month old, a neighbor from across the street had bought him for his son and his son didn't know how to take care of him properly. They brought him over and asked me to take him could I say no? Where would he go?

Speedy still has that spooky attitude that baby iguanas have...everyone wants to eat me so I have to run as fast as I can...and he can move, let me tell you! Those tiny legs can move! It is so cute to see him spook with no where to go, when I put food into the container the babies live in...Oh yes, all three of them live in the snake container...When they get big enough, they can start to roam the house like Pugsley and Zilla...but for now, they are too small to do so. They don't seem unhappy to me...they have a pool of water to swim in, good healthy food to eat, and plenty of soft stuffed animals to lie on...They are loved and protected...What else could an iguana want?

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Hey Guys...Please check out the archives
below for the whole story
of my iguana rescue and more
photos of them in my rescue!
You won't be sorry!

Friday, July 28, 2006

Other Iguana Blogs
If you would like to see my Photo Blogs of my Iguanas, I will tell you how to get to the links that will take you there.........
Click on View My Complete Profile at the bottom of this page. It will bring up a profile page.
At the bottom of that page is a list of links to my other blogs.
Click on any one of them and enjoy the photos...Both real and created.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

This is a photo of "The Iguana Manaics"
the club that I started for iguana lovers.
Contact me at my email for more info!

Thursday, June 15, 2006

What's in a Name?
We have a winner!!! Our new iguana now has a name. We are calling him Fawlks, which is the name of the phonix in the Harry Potter movies. As a phonix rises from the ashes anew, this little iguana is arising to a new life within my shelter. He is doing very well and loves to eat. He has his own huge cage, plenty of stuffed animals to cuddle and is adapting well!!!