An Iguana's Life

I am Lady Iguana. I run Iguana-Mania, a local reptile shelter for abused, unwanted reptile pets. People always ask me about iguanas, when I am in the streets, raising funds to help feed reptiles that I have rescued over the last 15 years. So I decided to take you on a tour of my two favorite iguanas lives. They are Pugsley and Zilla, and Pugsley's little son, Timias. You will come to see just how "human" iguanas can be.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

What's in a Name?
We have a winner!!! Our new iguana now has a name. We are calling him Fawlks, which is the name of the phonix in the Harry Potter movies. As a phonix rises from the ashes anew, this little iguana is arising to a new life within my shelter. He is doing very well and loves to eat. He has his own huge cage, plenty of stuffed animals to cuddle and is adapting well!!!