An Iguana's Life

I am Lady Iguana. I run Iguana-Mania, a local reptile shelter for abused, unwanted reptile pets. People always ask me about iguanas, when I am in the streets, raising funds to help feed reptiles that I have rescued over the last 15 years. So I decided to take you on a tour of my two favorite iguanas lives. They are Pugsley and Zilla, and Pugsley's little son, Timias. You will come to see just how "human" iguanas can be.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Reptile Rescue
Iguana-Mania is the name of my iguana rescue. I have opened my home to abused and unwanted reptiles and go around to lecture on iguanas. Unfortunately, this costs money and I can barely afford to run this.
I do accept donations so that I can continue this work. If you are an iguana lover and are willing to help my cause, please e-mail me at:
Do not contact me through yahoo! I no longer use their e-mail services.
I will respond at once with information on how to send in a donation. It will be used for food, medicine and whatever other bills that the iguanas need paid, such as electricity to run their heating lamps.
We all thank you for your help!!!


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