An Iguana's Life

I am Lady Iguana. I run Iguana-Mania, a local reptile shelter for abused, unwanted reptile pets. People always ask me about iguanas, when I am in the streets, raising funds to help feed reptiles that I have rescued over the last 15 years. So I decided to take you on a tour of my two favorite iguanas lives. They are Pugsley and Zilla, and Pugsley's little son, Timias. You will come to see just how "human" iguanas can be.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Pugsley's Story

Pugsley's story is really quite a simple one. His father Goliath and a friend of mine who owns a female iguana, mated. It was during breeding season, but when we saw him mount her, we broke it up, thinking we were in time.
6 am, Easter morning, I get a phone call from my friend. Her iguana was laying eggs all over the house!
Of course, I rushed over to her house and we spent the morning having an Easter egg hunt of our own.
I took 40 eggs home and set up an incubator for them.
They hatched about 3 months later and since Goliath was getting too big to take around with me, I decided to keep one of the tiny babies.
Pugsley is now almost 4 years old, spoiled rotten and as sweet as his dad is.


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